
ccna 640-802 s2-3/5@14/791

Two TestKing offices are connected as shown below:

Two buildings on the London campus of a the TestKing corporation must be
connected to use Ethernet with a bandwidth of at least 100 Mbps. TestKing is
concerned about possible problems from voltage potential differences between the
two buildings. Which media type should be used for the connection?
A. Coaxial cable
B. Fiber optic cable
C. UTP cable
D. STP cable
E. None of the above

Answer: B
Current Ethernet technology typically comes via either copper UTP or fiber cables. In this
scenario the distance between the buildings is only 55 meters so either copper or fiber
could be used, as the distance limitation for 100M UTP Ethernet is 100 meters. However,
fiber would be a better fit as it is not prone to errors that could occur due to the voltage
potential differences. Because fiber is a dielectric material, it's not susceptible to electrical
interference. FO-product vendors also claim that fiber systems make secure
communications easier. Interference immunity and lack of emissions are givens in FO
systems and in the fiber medium itself.

